We have one event remaining in the Wildcat Challenge Power League.
4-teams are in striking range of the Championship.
The schedule will be arranged so the teams will play each other
to determine the championship fairly.
Here are the current standings for the 2009 WCPL:
Click Here to see standings
Here are the current standings for the 2009 WCPL:
Click Here to see standings
FYI: Teams earn WCPL points by set wins (1-point) and match wins (2-points).
See you at the next WCPL on April 5, 2009.
Please make sure updates to the schedule are made no later than March 30th,
if Dominic does not hear from you he will assume your
team is not competing in the Final WCPL Competition.
There will be a short Trophy presentation to the 2009 WCPL Champion
upon the conclusion of the April 5th competition.
Good Luck.